We create pro templates that help you get the best result in the minimum possible time. 这个文件包是专业设计的,非常容易使用和定制, 有足够的空间放文字...
Sales: 43
欢迎来到简历发明者 ! ★★★★我们的简历每一页都是精心设计的, such as text, color, photos, 设计空间和其他相关主题, 确保你一定会成为...
Sales: 78
Support: 1/5
强大的排版结构,非常容易使用和定制. The resume is very well organized and labeled for you to get the best result in the minimum possible time.
Sales: 22
Lara Ramayez /简历模板
欢迎来到简历发明者 ! ★★★★我们的简历每一页都是精心设计的, such as text, color, photos, 设计空间和其他相关主题, 确保你一定会成为...
Sales: 3
Support: 1/5
干净和现代的简历模板,旨在帮助你得到那份伟大的工作. 所有主要元素都是可编辑和可定制的. 您可以使用智能对象更改图像.
Sales: 3
Monochrome Resume / CV Template :Professional, Modern, Clean and Minimal Resume / CV Template. 给人留下最好印象的最佳方式. 强大的排版结构,非常容易使用和...
Sales: 8
This is a beautifully curriculum vitae and a cover letter template available to use in Adobe Indesign. 这是一份非常简单和现代的简历,有很多细节,比如不同的部分和...
Sales: 1
Gariel Masarena简历模板
欢迎来到简历发明者!We are professionals with several years of experience in the job recruitment industry. 简历必然性创建多个类别的简历模板,如专业...
Sales: 459
Support: 1/5
File incformationA4 Paper Size (210x297)mmTwo Page/Template Resume/CVOne Page/Template Reference& 一页/模板封面信包含30+图标包段落 & Character StyleDocument & Baseline...
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Aliya Resume Template

Aliya Resume Template by ResumeInventor

欢迎来到简历发明者! We are professionals with several years of experience in the job recruitment industry. ResumeInventor创建多类别的简历模板,如专业...
Sales: 102
Support: 1/5
Ms Word功能简历模板

Ms Word功能简历模板 by MyResumeTemplate

你在寻找新的工作机会吗? 那么这个简历模板对你来说将是一个很好的选择!We understand perfectly the needs of job seekers and expectations of employers as we have huge...
Sales: 12
Mega Bundle简历模板

Mega Bundle简历模板 by ResumeDeviser

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Sales: 47
简历是每个专业人士的重要文件. 一份优秀的简历| RESUME能给人留下特别的印象. 这就是为什么你需要最好的简历. 这是一个高级的CV | RESUME设计模板...
Sales: 2

简历模板下载- EPS, PSD, PDF, DOC文件格式


如今,对于那些正在找工作的人来说,它们几乎是必不可少的. 事实上,网络上充满了模板. However, 其中一些是常见的,被认为是理所当然的, 在你的工作调查中使用其中的一个并不会帮助你脱颖而出.

尤其是在申请有很多求职者的工作时, 你需要一份能吸引招聘经理注意力的简历. 如果你的简历看起来和其他人一样,它可能对你没有帮助.

Instead, 您需要以整洁的布局呈现模板, an original design, 组织良好的信息.

However, 没有使用设计程序经验的人, such as Adobe InDesign, 可能很难创造他们的 CV from scratch.

If this is your case, buying ready-made resume templates might be a better and more convenient solution for you.


在templatemmonster市场中,你会发现很多 resume templates among which to choose. 来自世界各地的专家设计每个模板.

The resume templates are available in many formats and compatible with many of the most popular editing programs. Following your preferences and needs, you’ll be able to find a corresponding template.

因为可能有很多选择, 您可以通过按颜色过滤结果使研究更直接, topic, file formats, compatibility, price range, and so on. 这样,你只会得到你感兴趣的结果.

Resume template topics

每个简历模板都可以与不同的主题相关. 基于你的经验和能力, 您可以选择与他们最相关的样本和设计. 以下是你可能遇到的一些最受欢迎的话题.

  • business and services;
  • design;
  • photography;
  • education;
  • society;
  • art;
  • culture.

Resume formats

简历模板有多种格式. 你是否需要把它上传到网上或编辑它, 您可能希望选择一种格式而不是另一种格式. 以下是你可以在网站上找到的一些最常见的格式:

  • EPS;
  • PSD;
  • DOCX;
  • AI;
  • PDF;
  • INDD;
  • PNG.

How to edit CV samples

一旦你选择并下载了你的简历模板, you may need to edit it, 加上你的个人信息和所有关于你经历的信息, background, academic background, and so on. In such a case, you need to find a compatible program with the file format you chose.



Some features make people prefer to buy and download ready-to-use CV templates instead of creating them from scratch by themselves. 这不仅仅是关于外观和设计.

Below we listed some of the most relevant advantages of buying and downloading resume templates.

Clear and simple design

大多数模板呈现出整洁和简约的设计. Having a simple and well-organized CV will make you stand out from the other candidates and grad the hiring manager’s attention. 过于混杂的风格或复杂的设计可能会损害你的专业精神.


尽管大多数电子简历更受欢迎,也更受欢迎, 在某些情况下,你可能需要一份简历的实体副本. If needed, it won’t be a problem, as all the templates you’ll encounter across the Templateog体育首页 marketplace are optimized for printing and come up with an A4 format.

Free Google fonts

原始字体可以为模板增加个性和独特性, 除了提高可读性. 要获得这些结果,您不一定要为字体付费. Most of the templates use free Google fonts that add a touch of style and enhance your content.

24/7 support

大多数模板提供全天候支持. 这意味着即使在购买之后,你也会得到帮助. 如果您对它们的使用或编辑有疑问, 你将能够快速得到答案,而不需要自己去做.


简历是求职中最重要的文件之一. 简历的主要目的是帮助招聘经理了解你是谁, 你的能力是什么?, 以及如何帮助他们实现他们的商业目标.

如果你的简历不能传达这些信息, 你马上就会被淘汰.

To help you out, below we listed some of the essential sections that shouldn’t miss in your document.


This section should at least include your name, surname, email address, and phone number. 在某些情况下,你还可以包括你的出生日期和你的实际地址. If you own it, you can also decide to add a link to your portfolio or professional website.


Your resume summary or objective section should include a few sentences summarizing who you are and what you are looking for.

总结和目标是不一样的. The summary will be helpful when you have multi-year work experience that you can summarize. 这个目标对新手和经验有限的人更有帮助.


工作经历是简历中最重要的部分之一. 这是招聘经理会更关注的部分. Here, 你应该包括所有相关的工作经历, 从你最近或目前的工作开始.

For each work experience, 你应该包括以下信息:职位名称, period, employer’s name, responsibilities, and accomplishments.

Educational history

The educational history section should include all the most recent and relevant education information based on your experience level.

确保至少包括以下信息:你的学校名称, location of your school, the field of study, your GPA, graduation year.

Skills section

技能部分应该包括软技能和硬技能. 你也可以附上你获得的任何证书.

是相关的和有用的, 你列出的硬技能应该与你申请的工作相关.


在写简历的各个部分时, 除了考虑该写些什么, 你还应该考虑不应该包括哪些内容. Some information is, in fact, irrelevant and useless and can make the reviewer lose interest in you.


Too much information

When writing your resume, 你可能会想要添加太多关于自己的信息和细节. You might think that adding more information will give you more chances to convince the hiring manager to invite you to an interview; however, that's not right.

过多的信息会让你的简历看起来不专业、凌乱, 这可能会让审稿人感到困惑. 因此,请确保只包含最相关和最重要的信息.

Walls of text

墙上的文字既不容易阅读也不讨人喜欢. 因此,尽量避免使用空格和项目符号列表. 这样,您将提高可读性并使文档看起来更整洁.


在申请之前一定要记得仔细检查你的简历. 拼写错误和语法错误 can compromise your success in the hiring process. Thus, 仔细阅读你的内容, and if you’re not sure, 告诉另一个人也检查一下或者使用自由软件, such as Grammarly.

Unnecessary information

不要写与你申请的职位无关的信息. 把你的爱好写进去是个好主意,但不要夸大细节. 除了让你的文档信息过载, 不必要的信息会使读者厌烦.


When writing about your experiences and qualifications, be as much accurate as you can. Check that these sections include all the most relevant information and what you’ve effectively done. 不要包含令人困惑的细节或不符合事实的信息.


Resume builders are interactive online resume templates that allow you to build a structured CV and plug in the information.

目前,你可以使用许多简历构建工具. 这就解释了为什么选择一个而不是另一个会很困难. To help you out, we listed some of the most popular online tools you can use to build your CV.


Zety 是最流行的简历制作工具之一吗. 它的成功可能与它的易用性有关. 它提供了广泛的自定义选项,如字体大小, colors, date formatting, and much more. 它还允许您添加链接到您的社交媒体资料.

不幸的是,Zety不允许你免费下载简历. However, 你可以为你的简历创建一个链接(通过点击在线简历), open it in a browser, 然后把它保存起来.

My Perfect Resume

My Perfect Resume distinguishes from the other resume builders because it allows you to search skills by job title and add them with just one click. 此外,它还允许您添加证书、成就和隶属关系.

What’s more, 这个网站允许你免费下载不同格式的简历, such as PDF and TXT.


CakeResume 拖放式简历是简历生成器吗. It offers a wide range of pre-made sections that you can select and drag to build your CV. This lets you imagine how easy and quick it’ll be to create your professional document.

这个网站只允许你下载一份免费简历. 如果你想下载一个以上,你需要支付4美元的套餐费用.95 to $21.95.

Resume Genius

Resume Genius 现在网上有最简单的简历制作工具吗. 它会问你一系列关于你经历的多项选择题, skills, and academic background, 你只需要填空就行了.

不幸的是,这个生成器不允许你免费下载你的简历. 你可以花1美元购买14天的试用版.95美元或订阅一个月.

Canva’s resume builder

Canva’s resume builder 让你的简历脱颖而出,具有独特的设计. 大多数模板都是免费的, 你可以按类别过滤它们, such as “Graphic Design,” “Corporate,” or “Creative.” You can choose one of them and edit them by adding your personal and professional information. 您可以决定更改颜色、字体、图像和文档的每个元素.

一旦你完成了简历, 你可以免费下载, 根据预期用途选择您喜欢或需要的文件格式.


如果您需要多个模板,请订阅 og体育首页ONE 计划可能是你需要的更好的解决方案. 它将保证访问权限,你可以无限制地下载 resume templates 以及许多其他由专家使用专业程序设计的数字产品.

Resume templates Q&A

What is a resume?

A resume is a professional document that provides information about your work and academic experiences, and skills.


模板为简历提供了设计和结构. 你只需要添加你的个人信息.


按时间顺序的简历强调应聘者过去的经历, 而功能型简历则优先考虑他们的未来潜力.


The main 简历和求职信的区别 简历能证明你的经验和能力吗, while a cover letter is an opportunity for you to explain why you’re qualified for the job you’re applying for and why they should choose you.

